Invitation- Day of Europe Dedicated to Democracy | 12/5/2024, Athens

The Institute of Research and Training on European Affairs – I.R.T.E.A. invites you to the event “Europe Day dedicated to Democracy” organized by the Representation of the European Commission in Greece in cooperation with the European Parliament Liaison Office in Greece.

The event will take place on Sunday, May 12, 2024, in Athens, at Anassa City Events (Panagioti Kanellopoulos Avenue 4, PO Box 115 27, Athens (opposite Errikos Dunan Hospital, 15′ from Katehaki metro), from 12:30 to 18.00!

The day will include a rich program of speeches and discussions, actions, musical events and parallel workshops. The I.R.T.E.A team will participate in the event by implementing an interactive workshop for creating a resume!

The Analytical Program is attached

We look forward to seeing you all there!