The triangle Greece-Cyprus-Israel

Lately, it is observed an improvement in relations between Greece-Cyprus and Israel. Common place constitute the exploitation of natural gas and the prevention of Turkey’s regional hegemony. It seems that these countries follow the quote « the enemy of my enemy is my friend» , as both have problems with their neighbour country Turkey. This  fact constitute one of the basics factors about the imminent collaboration of those countries. Turkey’s foreign policy ,during the last years ,based on the strategic depth and has in view to become a regional power , something that the triangle doesn’t wish. Israel was for a long time ally with Turkey, although the recently rupture in their  relations  and the civil ebullition which dominate in the Middle East turned the interest of Israel to look for other allies.

The recent discovery of ores of natural gas such in Israel (Tamar, Leviathan ,Mari ,Noa )  as in Cyprus , where it is noticed  13 fields with researches which have taken place at the field 12 whose the natural gas worth it is estimated at 350 billion euros, brought close the two countries. Subsequently, except from the threat of Turkey , an important factor for the alliance is the excavation and the exploitation of natural gas.

The two countries intend ,apart from self-sufficiency that possibly the ores of natural gas will offer to them , to gain and others multiples profits in economic and geopolitic level. Beyond any doubt Greece will assist in this effort , which is placed in an especially strategic point as it constitute channel of transportation of natural gas to European countries. At the same time Greece is probable to become a producer of natural gas if the researches will give good result in the sea area south of Crete , as in the area inside the field of Herodotus at the south-east of Crete , between Greek and Cypriot exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

This energy triangle appears in a very decisive period of Europe. Such the lack of ores of energy in the European Union countries as the sensitizing in environmental issues, point out the necessity for an effective cooperation of the neighbors countries.

The environmental policy of EU which targets in the diminution of the environmental pollution is in favor  of natural gas utilization, which is more ecological than the oil.

Also the countries of EU it is not famous about their natural gas ores, basics  suppliers for EU are Russia, Norway and Algeria . However the natural gas ores with the passing of time are getting exhausted in Norway and the EU doesn’t want  depend on Russia, either to avoid Russians’ suppliers cartel or because Russia confront problems with passages countries as Ukraine. As it concerns Algeria , there is a danger which is the terrorism. General , there is dependence of EU from its suppliers and as the demand of natural gas it is expected to increase in the next years , EU must find more suppliers.

In this future need of EU, nodal role it is anticipated to act the energy alliance Greece-Cyprus-Israel. The excavation and the exploitation of natural gas will enhance especially these countries. The big ores which hold are going to play an important role in the follow years. The point in which it is placed these countries it is connected  such with EU as with Asia. It is about for 2 markets from which it is expected to gain benefits such economic as strategic, if they choose to cooperate with them and to sell their natural gas . This which has particular importance is which country will offer political gains and support at the triangle’s countries.

First of all, the market of Asia is a very big market which , of course, offers economic gains at the producers countries in a such difficult period , especially for Greece and Cyprus due to the financial crisis. However, the field is fluid in the market of Asia considering the high competition, because many countries are suppliers  such as Australia, Malaysia, Russia and Egypt. Except from this there is a long distance  among  East Mediterranean and Asia, for this reason the directly political profits triangle’s countries it is not seems to take place. In the difficulty of transportation, certainly, it is referred the pass from the strait of  Hormuz , which is checked  from Iran and there are many threats for the prohibition of entrance in European ships. Surely, the USA factor plays an important role in transportation of natural gas to Asia , because in Europe  they have under control the trade of natural gas and they don’t want another player as Asia enter in the trading.

In regard to European market, this offers in states of triangle except from economic profits also political profits. If these countries take advantage of the lack of gas in the next years in Europe ,they will be able to enhance  their position and their influence into European Union. First, Israel due to destabilization that appears in the Middle East and its isolation from the neighbors countries but also due to break in relations with Turkey will be ideal to turn through Greece and Cyprus over EU. On the ground of search for new alliances European Union will appear the ideal partner for Israel, because in this moment will have a powerful ally. Additionally , being supplier of Europe Union in natural gas Israel extend its economic relations  with European countries. Apart from Israel also Cyprus will have  multiple benefits from a European orientation. With the exploitation of natural gas to European Union Cyprus except from the economic growth , will improve also its negotiation power into EU. Exactly Cyprus is a country which has problems many years and the augmentation of its power through natural gas will its reinforce notably. Cyprus as a EU supplier will be able to exercise pressure according to the solution of Cyprus problem having better  requirements.  Therefore this choice has strategic meaning for Cyprus and for the growth of its power in the next years. In the same time will be obstacle in the efforts of Turkey to get share from the natural gas which belongs to Cyprus. In the energy field also Greece participate. In this level Greece it is expected to constitute the connecting link Israel’s and Cyprus’ natural gas with Europe. Greece due to its geostrategic point will play significant role in providing natural gas in Europe. In case that will construct pipeline which deliver natural gas to EU, Greece will be  station of transit. By the creation of a pipeline which distribute the natural gas from Cyprus and Israel over Europe, Greece will increase its power inside EU and will get important economic profits in a difficult financial situation. The growth of Greece’s strategic role inside EU will assist in arrangement of the problems with Turkey concerning the Exclusive Economic  Zone (EEZ) and the Aegean. Furthermore will form a barrier about the progress of Turkey’s regional power in the last years.  Consequently , what will strengthen the position of Greece is the creation of a pipeline more than the transportation with LNG or FLNG , because in this way the greek strategic role will enhance as a transporter of natural gas.

To conclude , it is perceivable that the choice of Europe about the delivery Cyprus’ and Israel’s natural gas is the most advantageous solution. The states of triangle will have benefits such in a strategic as an economic level. Of course, as the three countries are in the same neighbordood and are close with Europe, the cost will be less and  the share of natural gas will not be exposed in dangers. Finally , this triangle between Greece-Cyprus-Israel  it is predicted to act a meaningful role  the next years  in Europe such an economic as a strategic ground.

Giorgos Koulouris

Undergraduated student of Department of International & European Studies